Mena I. MJ1, Sprovera AM2, Gougain L2, Benoit P2, Roa S1, Sanhueza C1, Ahumada R1
1Universidad del Desarrollo, School of Physical Therapy, Santiago, Chile, 2Universidad del Desarrollo, School of Advertisement, Santiago, Chile

Background: Receiving an adequate education in healthy behaviors allows people and communities to reach knowledge related to their health problems and the benefits of leading healthy lifestyles. In response to this, the undergraduate training in Physical Therapy of Universidad del Desarrollo defines within the learning outcomes of its fourth-year students, the planning and development of educational intervention strategies, considering the socio-psychological and environmental aspects of the person or community. Considering the difficulties of previous years experiences in the field of how to optimize communication strategies in these processes, a joint initiative between the Physical Therapy and Advertising careers of the Universidad del Desarrollo was started to combine knowledge of each discipline allowing Advertising to provide highly useful communication advice to the resolution of health education problems.

Purpose: To explore the opportunity of interdisciplinary collaborative work between students of Physical Therapy and Advertising, in the development of educational interventions, to the community. This initiative allows to contribute in a concrete way to the tasks of connection with the environment and relieves the seal of social responsibility of both careers.

Methods: The pilot experience of interdisciplinary work Physical Therapy + Advertising began during 2017 as a joint initiative between the careers of Physical Therapy and Advertising of the to combine knowledge of each discipline and join the wills of collaboration. From the academic point of view, K + P is inserted within the subjects Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation I (4th year of Physical Therapy) and Workshop V (3rd year of Advertising), working in real environments giving meaning and meaning to their learning.
Advertising contributes with useful communication advice in the resolution of health education problems. Seven groups of students were formed, which worked 4 months in the planning, development and implementation of a day of Educational Intervention to 7 communities.

Results: 70 students (56 from Physical Therapy and 14 from Advertising) and professors of both careers (7 Physical Therapy teachers and 2 Advertising teachers) were working in this period. The pilot experience was evaluated biweekly through faculty team meetings, in which problems related to the lack of definition of roles to be developed by representatives of both careers, difficulties of communication and face-to-face meetings of the students were detected. Even in the face of these difficulties, each of the 7 groups carried out a Conference on Education Intervention to the community, with an average duration of 2.5 hours, whose contents were: Physical activity in pregnant women, physical activity in patients with factors cardiovascular risk factors, chronic musculoskeletal pain, among others.

Conclusion(s): This experience gives teachers of both disciplines the opportunity to visualize the advantages of working interdisciplinarily so that the arrival of patients is more efficient and the messages are appropriate and delivered in a better way. There remains the challenge of reviewing the work methodology of the student groups, to improve the learning process.

Implications: There is a need to explore similar interdiscipline initiatives regarding to answer real patients and community problems, adding iteration approach with communities and patients, to improve educational strategies in different areas of health

Keywords: Educational innovations, interdiscipline, health education

Funding acknowledgements: None

Topic: Education: methods of teaching & learning

Ethics approval required: No
Institution: Universidad del Desarrollo
Ethics committee: Ethics Committee, Facultad de Medicina Clinica Alemana
Reason not required: This is a pilot approach to develop collaboration between two disciplines. There is no personal data registration from any community or subject

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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