Israel :V1, Melo T2, Araujo L3, Novakoski K2
1Universidade Federal do Paraná, Physical Therapy, Curitiba - Paraná, Brazil, 2Universidade Federal do Paraná, The Post-Graduation Program in Physical Education, UFPR, Curitiba - Paraná, Brazil, 3Univerisdade Federal do Paraná, The Post-Graduation Program in Physical Education, UFPR, Curitiba - Paraná, Brazil

Background: There is currently no scale or tool that covers all areas of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) for the detection and planning of follow-up and intervention programs with children, especially in the case of babies at risk and / or developmental delay, indicated for early intervention programs. Therefore, developmental scales used for the child population, systematized to observe the child according to the biopsychosocial model (BPS) of the ICF, fast and low cost, can facilitate the professional view of the physiotherapist for the categories that need more attention and subsidize early intervention actions. Since in the first years of life children are prone to be influenced by personal and environmental factors that are protective or at risk for full development, with repercussions throughout life.

Purpose: To identify and propose instruments of neuropsychomotor development evaluation (NPMD) of children from zero to two years, of low cost, that can be used in the contexts of day care and / or clinics in programs of early intervention and to systematize these instruments according to the model BPS of the ICF.

Methods: Study approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Paraná. In the evaluation the domains of the ICF of functions and structure, activities and participation, personal factors and environmental factors were considered. DNPM assessment instruments with translation or adaptation were selected for Brazil. For this, the domains of the ICF were chosen by triangulating the checklist of the ICF- Children and Youth (CY) and core set of early stimulation, for the search for evaluation instruments in the literature. The categories were systematized by two physiotherapists, and a third one for discordant items.

Results: The scales that met the criteria were: Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS), Denver II Screening Test, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedSQl®), Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development-Infant Scale (AHEMD-IS) , Mother and child link, supplementary anamnesis questionnaire for the person in charge, data from the Child Health Book of compulsory use in Brazil and a socioeconomic questionnaire from the Brazilian Association of Research Companies for Brazil (ABEP). The functions and structures of the body were related to anamnesis data, health notebook, PedsQl®, AIMS and Denver II; Activities and participation were observed through the AIMS, Denver II and Mother-baby bond; Environmental and Personal Factors contemplated by AHMED-IS, Anamnesis and ABEP, which allows a biopsychosocial view of the child´s health condition.

Conclusion(s): This systematization using ICF facilitates the expanded view of the physiotherapist or education professional with biopsychosocial coverage in the life contexts of the babies. Besides, this enables an early identification of risks to DNPM and subsidizing actions of promotion and intervention, related to health conditions, in different contexts (educational and / or clinical).

Implications: The data presented may support the physiotherapist´s performance in developing countries, with low-cost but adequate instruments for screening and referral of children with risk or delayed development.

Keywords: International Classification of Functioning, Disab, Physiotherapy, Infant development

Funding acknowledgements: The authors thank the CAPES - Brasil, for granting the doctorate's and master's scholarships.

Topic: Paediatrics; Outcome measurement

Ethics approval required: Yes
Institution: Federal University of Paraná, Brazil,
Ethics committee: Research Ethics Committee of the Health Sciences Sector/UFPR
Ethics number: registration CEP/SD: 1.714.810, CAAE: 57193516.6.0000.0102

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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