P.K. Yadav1, S. Pokhrel2, R. Baskota3, S. Suwal4
1National Trauma Center, Physiotherapy, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2World Health Organization Nepal, Non Communicable Disease, Kathmandu, Nepal, 3Leprosy Control & Disability Management Section, Disability, Kathmandu, Nepal, 4Handicap International, Physical Rehabilitation Activity, Kathmandu, Nepal

Background: Physiotherapy service is part of Health service delivery system in Nepal since early 1980s. But the reporting and recording of this service was institutionalized upto 2020. While other Heath Services provided by different level of health facilities had such reporting and recording through the standardized to integrated health information management system (IHIMS) through the globally recognized data portal called DHIS2. In the leadership of Ministry of Health and Population Recording and reporting of physiotherapy service has been established which marks the stepping stone towards data informed physiotherapy service in Nepal

Purpose: The purpose of this activity was to establish common recording forms and formats for all types of rehabilitation services including physiotherapy and reporting through DHIS2 based on the WHO Rehabilitation Indicator Menu.

Methods: Various stages of meeting and discussions were conducted with desk review of existing forms and formats and reporting mechanism under the leadership of MoHP through the active engagement of physiotherapy association and rehabilitation experts.
Different stages of development and validation process was followed. Variables related to physiotherapy and rehabilitation services were identified and indicators were decided. After developing shaping of forms and formats with the data variables, field test has been done in five different types of health facilities. The feedbacks obtained from field test was incorporated and finally approved by MoHP for use. After approval reporting template named Rehabilitation data set has been integrated in DHIS2 online platform for final reporting.

Results: Most of health facilities started recording of physiotherapy services in forms and formats approved and reporting in DHIS2.This reporting also included the other rehabilitation services like Speech therapy, occupational therapy, prosthesis and orthotic services and Physical medicine & rehabilitation etc. It also included functioning aspects along with diagnosis on the basis of ICD10 and cause of health problem. Likewise, It included the requirement of assistive products and sources of such products. It also integrated the source of referral with in health facility and outside. It also included no of sessions and days service taken.

Conclusions: This activity was successful in implementing new recording forms and formats for Physiotherapy services in forty five health facilities in Nepal and reporting through DHIS 2. Forthcoming years it will be expanded in more health facilities and tools will be reviewed from time to time depending upon requirement.

Implications: It is good practice to follow and implement in all health facilities of countries where Physiotherapy and rehabilitation services are being provided. It will determine the service pattern of rehabilitation on the basis of health conditions, diagnosis. It will also guide to allocate human resources and budget for assistive products. It will give clear picture of services taken for shorter or longer period. It can be used as template by other countries for recording reporting. It was first time that the system for physiotherapy services recording and reporting was developed and established as milestone in the field of health information management system of Nepal and this could be the good example to low and middle income countries with physiotherapy services

Funding acknowledgements: This Activity Was Developed as a Part of System Strengthening Process by MOHP, Handicap International & World Health Organization Nepal

Physiotherapy Services

Innovative technology: information management, big data and artificial intelligence
Globalisation: health systems, policies & strategies
Disability & rehabilitation

Did this work require ethics approval? No
Reason: As this activity was done as a process of system strengthening approach by Ministry of Health & Population, no ethical approval was needed. It was totally funded by Ministry of Health & population with support of Handicap International & world Health Organization Nepal.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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