Meerhoff G.1,2, Heijblom K.1, Knoop J.1,3
1Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy (KNGF), Quality, Amersfoort, Netherlands, 2Radboud UMC, IQ Healthcare, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 3Reade Center for Rehabilitation and Rheumatology, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Background: Evidence-based practice is the integration of best available evidence, professional expertise and patient values, with the aim of improving healthcare. One of the mechanisms to stimulate evidence-based practice is the development and implementation of guidelines. The Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy (KNGF) has been developing these guidelines since the nineties. Nowadays, 17 guidelines function as the cornerstone for Dutch physical therapy, regarding the definition of good professional practice and in obtaining reimbursement agreements.

Purpose: In 2015 the KNGF decided to update its method for guideline development and revision with the aim to develop/revise guidelines:
  1. That are easier to apply in clinical practice. Multiple studies have shown that the implementation of guidelines within healthcare is suboptimal due to the lack of clinical applicability. This applicability is planned to be improved by presenting our guidelines in a standard template on an easy to interpret modern web-portal;
  2. That meet the new quality standards defined by the Dutch National Health Care Institute (DNHCI). These standards oblige guideline developers to actively involve patient representatives, health insurance companies and all healthcare providers primarily involved in the developmental process. A guideline can only officially be approved by the DNHCI if all stakeholders involved authorize the final document.
  3. In a more efficient and uniform manner. Until now for the development/revision of each guideline the KNGF contracted a different Dutch University. Within these collaborations we´ve experienced it was difficult to adhere to the schedule for delivery and to present the different final documents in a uniform manner. From 2016 the KNGF will start to develop/revise guidelines at her own office. With this changed strategy the KNGF expects to increase efficiency and be able to deliver the guidelines in a more uniform manner.

Methods: Based on input obtained from different clinical practitioners and researchers, and the new quality standards defined by the DNHCI, a concept version of the revised method for guideline development/revision was written. This concept document has been presented to an expert group existing of: 1) the former author of the method for guideline development, 2) the authors of existing KNGF-guidelines, 3) lecturers and professors who participate in KNGF´s scientific advisory board and 4) stakeholders such as the Dutch Patient Federation, the Dutch College of General Practitioners and the Dutch Federation of Medical Specialists.

Results: After three rounds of feedback all experts agreed that the method for guideline development and revision corresponded to the needs.

Conclusion(s): The revision of the method for the development and revision of guidelines creates the possibility for the KNGF to autonomously develop/revise our guidelines and enables us to be more successful in achieving our process of development and revision. In addition all products will adhere to the new quality standards and their clinical applicability will be improved by presenting our guidelines in a standard template on a modern and easy to interpret web-portal.

Implications: In 2016 two existing guidelines will be revised. Based on the experiences of these revisions we plan to further optimize our method for guideline development.

Funding acknowledgements: The revision of the method for guideline development was funded and executed by the KNGF.

Topic: Research methodology & knowledge translation

Ethics approval: For the revision of our methodology for guideline development an approval of our ethical committee was not needed.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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