P. Gazbare1, T. Palekar1
1Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune, India

Background: Decline in cognitive function like forgetfulness, difficulty to focus, decision making, processing speed and cognitive flexibility, affects the daily living of any aged individuals. Mild cognitive impairment is an intermediate stage between dementia & normal cognition. A recent meta-analysis studies indicated the number of elders that suffer from dementia amounts to 20 per 1000 population which is more prevalent above 75 years of age. But research also suggests cognitive decline begins around mid-20s and average memory declines can be detected by mid-30s.

Purpose: Thus the study aimed to explore the dearth in literature regarding the prevalence of mild cognitive decline in the normal middle adulthood & its numerous risks factors in Pune city of India.

Methods: A community based, cross-sectional analytical study conducted in Pune city of Maharashtra, India on 605 normal middle-aged adults after institutional ethical committee clearance. From the total wards in Pune city, 20% i.e.,15 wards were randomly selected. Camps were conducted in the selected areas to screen participants, aged 40-60year both male & female, for the exclusion criteria of known case of psychological & neurological problem. Forty participants were randomly selected from each ward and interviewed for demographic & pre-designed questionnaire on risk factors like age, gender, years of education, marital status, type of family, diet, sleep hours, body mass index, after their consent. Also cognitive functions, level of physical activity, type of lifestyle and stress was assessed using Addenbrookes cognitive examination-III, International Physical Activity Questionnaire, simple lifestyle indicator questionnaire, and Perceived stress scale respectively. Statistical analysis for categorical data was analyzed by chi square test and odds ratio (OR) calculated for risk factor by logistic regression with 95% Confidence interval.

Results: The study showed the prevalence of MCI among normal middle adulthood was 27.77% with 95% CI - 24.35 to 31.47 with mean age of 49.21 + 6.53. Females presented more cognitive decline as compared to males (34.28% v/s 22.05%). Risk factors like increasing age (OR:1.35, p<0.001), low education level (OR:1.8, P<0.0001), low Physical activity (OR:1.61,P<0.0001), high stress (OR:1.44,P<0.003), non-vegetarian diet (OR,1.34,P<0.02) were associated with MCI, whereas factors like lifestyle, marital status, type of family, BMI, sleep hours has non-significant results.

Conclusions: A high prevalence (27.77%) of Mild cognitive impairment was found in normal middle adulthood in Pune city of India suggesting alarming future issue of early onset of dementia.
Increasing age, less year of education, low physical activity, high stress, non-vegetarian diet are some of the significant risk factor associated with the cognitive decline that can be modifiable to certain extent. Thus, an appeal for mandatory inclusion of screening tool for cognitive decline to prevent & intervene timely.

Implications: India, being a developing country, is undergoing a demographic and epidemiological transition leading to exposure of potential risk factors on cognitive health.
Early screening and detection of MCI and its covariates in normal middle adulthood and then driving a prevention program either through modification in risk factors or awareness in community can be the key to reduce the growing incidences of cognitive impairment.

Funding acknowledgements: No funding involved for the study

Mild cognitive impairment
Risk factors
Middle adulthood

Mental health
Health promotion & wellbeing/healthy ageing/physical activity

Did this work require ethics approval? Yes
Institution: Dr.D.Y.Patil College of Physiotherapy, Dr.D.Y.Patil Vidyapeeth
Committee: Ethics Committee, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth
Ethics number: DYPV/EC/204/2019

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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