R. Hassan1, S. Zaib1, M. Abid1, R. Afzal1
1Shifa Tameer.e.millat University, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan

Background: Faculty satisfaction is considered an important factor of quality in online courses. Faculty satisfaction has consistently been considered an important component of any successful educational program.
Therefore, administrators and professionals charged with supervising and supporting faculty teaching online should be concerned with the level of satisfaction that faculty teaching online experience.

Purpose: The aims of this study were to find out level of DPT faculty satisfaction with online teaching in all public and private universities of twin cities of Pakistan and to determine the factors that has an impact on the level of faculty satisfaction.

Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on faculty of doctor of physical therapy of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. A sample of 120 was collected by using convenient sampling technique. Self-administered questionnaire including the OFSS (online faculty satisfaction survey) questionnaire in Google forms was distributed online among DPT faculty of all public and private universities, using social media applications i.e. email, WhatsApp, face book etc.

Results: Out of 150 individuals, 120 responded leading to 80% response rate. The mean age of participants was 29.4+ 6.55. Among which 76 (63.3%) were female participants and 44 (36.7%) were male participant. Out of 120 individuals, the level of satisfaction among 108 individuals, 66 (55%) were less satisfied and 42 (35%) were more satisfied. Out of 120, 12 individuals showed different responses i.e. average 4 (3.3%), moderately satisfied 4 (3.3%), neutral 2 (1.7%), satisfied 2 (1.7%).Some factors has affected the level of satisfaction among those factors, the lack of face to face interaction has greatly affected the level of satisfaction. Overall 100% populations were agreed in such a way that, 56.7% participants agreed and 43.3% strongly agreed that they missed face-face interaction with students during online classes. While factor that has least affected the faculty satisfaction was, active involvement of students in their learning. Cumulatively 66.7% of the participants were agreed with that statement.

Conclusion(s): In twin cities of Pakistan, out of total population, mostly DPT faculty was less satisfied with online teaching. Study also concluded that some factors had positively or negatively affected the online teaching faculty satisfaction. Lack of face to face interaction has greatly affected the level of satisfaction while the factor that has least affected the faculty satisfaction was, active involvement of students in their learning.

Implications: Possible benefits of this research includes, contribution to  better understanding of online faculty members and the elements that contribute to or act as barriers to their job satisfaction with online teaching. This could help institutions to identify plan, and provide support and services to increase online faculty member's satisfaction with online teaching

Funding, acknowledgements: no

Keywords: Faculty satisfaction, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Online teaching faculty

Topic: Education: methods of teaching & learning

Did this work require ethics approval? Yes
Institution: Shifa tamer-e-Millat university
Committee: The ethical committee of Shifa tamer-e-Millat university, Islamabad
Ethics number: 234-1054-2020

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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