R. Vásquez-Torres1, J. Leppe1
1Facultad de Medicina Clínica Alemana - Universidad del Desarrollo, School of Physiotherapy, Santiago, Chile

Background: Sedentary behaviour (SB) and physical activity (PA) are two modifiable and independent risk factors for people with stroke and currently there are lack of information of these factors in Latin American and Chilean population.

Purpose: To determine sedentary behaviour and physical activity in people with stroke in the Chilean population.

Methods: A secondary analysis of the 2017 National Health Survey (NHS) was performed and the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) self-reported survey was used to determine sedentary behaviour (SB) and physical activity (PA). SB was defined as reporting ≥ 240 minutes spending sitting or lying down time on a typical day. PA was described in total amount (minutes/day); and was reported into the following domains: PA at work; PA travel and PA in recreational activities (minutes/day). Subjects were classified as physically active or inactive according to the WHO criteria, physically inactive was <600 METs (metabolic equivalents) per week. All responses exceeding 960 minutes/day of SB or PA were truncated according to GPAQ consensus.
A multivariate logistic regression model was used for analysis between stroke and SB or PA. All models were adjusted for age, sex and education level. Level significance 5% was used. Data were analysed with Stata 15.

Results: 193 people with stroke was analysed, mean age of 65.3 years (SD=14,6); 66.3% women and 43.6% with educational level < 8 years.
47.2% reported ≥ 240 minutes/day of SB. The median of SB was 180 minutes per day (IQR 60, 360).
The 56% of stroke population were classified as physically inactive. The total PA time per day was a median of 17 minutes (IQR 0, 132). According to domains, PA travel presented the most time per day with a median of 4.3 minutes per day (IQR 0, 40), compared with PA work and PA recreational with a median of 0 minutes per day (IQR 0,0).
Stroke is associated with SB (>240 min/day) and being physically inactive (p<0.05). People with stroke had a greater risk of SB (OR=2.49, 95% CI, [1.84 – 3.36]) and being physically inactive (OR=1.82, 95% CI, [1.35 – 2.45]) adjusted for age, sex and education level.

Conclusions: The population with stroke is physically inactive and has high levels of SB independent of sex, age and educational level.

Implications: These results help design specific strategies to decrement SB and to increment PA in a population at risk, such as the population with stroke in Chile.

Funding acknowledgements: Not applicable

Sedentary behavior
Physical activity

Health promotion & wellbeing/healthy ageing/physical activity

Did this work require ethics approval? No
Reason: Ethics approval and participant consent was not necessary, since the secondary database is available by the Chilean Ministry of Health for research purposes.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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