P. Gazbare1, K. Selakar1
1Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune, India

Background: Cognitive impairment (CI) has been more prevalent in growing geriatric population, which represents as decline in memory, concentration, attention and cognitive performance. Cognition plays an integral part of daily living reflecting the Quality of life (QOL).Mild Cognitive Impairment is intermediate phase between normal cognition and dementia. Early detection and intervention at this stage can prolong the further consequences. Extensive researches are carried on effect of non-pharmacological intervention like exercise, physical activity, socialization etc. on cognitive function. Mental gaming, aerobic exercise has shown positive effect on cognitive function. But still the evidences for which form of exercises has better effect on cognitive health shows conflicting results.

Purpose: There is dearth in literature regarding comparison of 2 different form of exercises namely tai-chi, an aerobic form and other anaerobic form i.e., resistance exercise. Thus, the study aims to compare the effect of these two exercises on cognitive function and QOL.

Methods: An experimental study conducted in Pune city of India after approval from institutional ethical committee. Elderly people aged 60-75yrs both genders, with MMSE score 12 to 23 were screened for exclusion criteria of recent injuries, surgeries, berg balance score less than 30. Fifty-four selected individuals were randomly allocated by chit method in two group namely group A Tai-chi and group B Resistance training. Set of exercises were designed for both groups with duration of 45 minutes per session, 3 time per week for 4 weeks. The primary outcomes measures were Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) for cognitive function, SF-36 questionnaire for Quality of Life (QOL) and secondary outcome taken was geriatric depression scale (GDS) for depression. Pre- Post intervention assessment was taken.

Results: Data was analyzed & significance level was set at P<0.05. Normality was checked (P>0.05) and statistical test like Wilcoxon & paired t test was applied for within group analysis, whereas between groups comparison was by Mann Whitney and independent t-testwas applied accordingly.
Within group analysis, primary & secondary outcomes showed significant difference with P<0.0001.
When both groups were compared for MoCA and SF-36, the significant difference with P<0.004 and P<0.0018 respectively was found indicating Tai-chi exercise is better than resistance training. But Geriatric depression scale findings were non-significance (P>0.80) suggesting both groups had same effect on depression.

Conclusions: Thus, the study concludes that tai-chi exercise is better than resistance training in improving cognitive function and quality of life in elderly population with mild cognitive impairments whereas both interventions showed significant improvement while dealing with depression.

Implications: Tai-chi, being a very blissful aerobic exercise strengthens the muscle, improves balance and has many other beneficial effects on various systems of human body which directly or indirectly affects one’s mood and cognition. It is a simple form of exercise that can be carried out in community as a group therapy, thus adherence to exercise will be better

Funding acknowledgements: Self funding

Resistance traning

Older people
Mental health

Did this work require ethics approval? Yes
Institution: Dr.D.Y.Patil college of Physiotherapy, Dr.D.Y.Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
Committee: Institutional sub-ethics committee, Pune.
Ethics number: DYPCPT/ISEC/21/2019

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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