A.K. Antolinez Romero1,2, K.M. ALVIS1,2
1Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia, 2Grupo de Análisis Mecánico y Neuromecánico del Movimiento-Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia

Background: Mental Health problems have been one of the most increased issues around the world in the last 10 years. Depression is one of the most common diagnoses affecting  70% of the young population and has been recognized as a comorbidity problem in long hospitalization stances or in chronic conditions problems. Physiotherapy in mental health has the responsibility and the opportunity  to explore a new approach to modulate the emotions through human movement

Purpose: To design and validated a test to measure the time perception of the objective and the subjective time in subjects with severe depression vs mild depression.

Methods: The work is a formulation and validation study of a test, consisting of three phases: Definition of evaluation categories; Design and implementation of the test and Pilot Test of the test. The implementation of the test used a production time task Vs. a reaction time task. The tasks were evaluated using an OptoGait system. After the test design, the test was subjected to validation by experts, a phase in which 3 experts evaluated the test according to a scale of 1-6 and recorded these agreements in a matrix in three rating categories: relevance, consistency and sufficiency. The items had to obtain an average grade of agreement above 75% to be validated. Finally, a pilot test was carried out in which 10 subjects participated, 5 with mild depression (Control Group - CG) and 5 with severe depression (Experimental Group).  The level of depression was evaluated with the BDI-II score.  The results obtained were analyzed with a MANOVA and with a Fractal Analysis, to obtain the interactions between the categoríes of evaluation and the predictability of the data.

Results: It was found strong interaction p< 0.05 with negative Spearman coefficient between the objective and subjective time. The experimental group has a faster speed of reaction (control=21.1 cm ±11.7 experimental=31.4±10.2). The time production task and the temporal order Judgement,  CG in short interval time  (1sec)  tendency to underproduction and overestimation of the time VS the EG who showed an inverse behaviour. In long interval time  (10sec) it was found that both groups tend to underproduction with an underestimation of the time but it was more evident in the experimental group.EG.  In the fractal analysis, the external objective time (speed of reaction) of the CG was 0.83 reflecting a persistent and predictable behaviour, indeed the  EG (1,5) showed a chaotic and unpredictable behaviour.  In the long interval the results were inverse (CG=1,49; EG=0,92) . In the subjective time both values were higher than 1, that reflects none predictability.

Conclusion(s): The temporal judgment test for a motor task of high cognitive load in young adults with and without depression is a useful tool to integrate the measurement of objective and subjective variables of the temporality of movement and allows to demonstrate a clear relationship between them.

Implications: This study is the first of a series of research studies that will conduct to impact the way in the physiotherapy would be related with the spatiotemporal aspects of the movement. 

Funding, acknowledgements: Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Grupo de Investigación  Análisis Mecánico y Neuromecánico

Keywords: Spatiotemporal perception, Reaction Time, Depression

Topic: Mental health

Did this work require ethics approval? Yes
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Committee: Faculty of Medicine Ethics Committee
Ethics number: Acta 024-321-19

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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