K. Chandolias1, E.-A. Tsounia1, V. Stefanouli1, T. Dimopoulos1, N. Strimpakos1,2
1University of Thessaly, Physiotherapy, Lamia, Greece, 2University of Manchester, Division of Musculoskeletal & Dermatological Sciences, Manchester, United Kingdom

Background: In studies of diagnostic accuracy, internal and external validity depend on many factors. Study design, sample selection, proper test administration, data analysis are some of the main key factors. Many of the published research studies do not provide basic information about the methodology and its results. Without objective evaluation, researchers cannot assess the reliability and validity of their findings or extract appropriate information.
A particularly useful and important tool is the Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD), which is a checklist for reporting diagnostic accuracy studies. The purpose of the present study is the cross-cultural adaptation of the STARD tool in the Greek language.

Purpose: Τhe purpose of the present study was to render the diagnostic tool stard in the Greek language in order to use it by Greek researchers with the aim of a more objective scientific work.

Methods: During the cross-cultural adaptation, the STARD tool was translated into Greek following a specific methodology by the research team (KC, ET, VS). The translation was carried out in collaboration with the original authors and the present study was in accordance with the official guidelines for cross-cultural adaptations of ISPOR
(1) preparation,
(2) initial translation into Greek,
(3) coordination,
(4) translation into English,
(5) evaluation of the English translation,
(6) Proofreading, (7) final form.

Results: The study showed that the criteria and their meaning were not clear enough in the Greek language in absolute translation. The STARD assessment list was translated into Greek and adapted to be understandable and applicable without affecting each item of the list in terms of the authors' original request. Specific elements such as the expression AUC, reference standard and index test had to be rendered in an understandable way so that they could be easily understood by the researchers. The final decision on the selection of appropriate expressions was chosen by the translation team based on the widely used Greek research framework.

Conclusions: It is of utmost importance for Greek researchers to be able to assess the importance of clinical trials and the reliability of their findings through a comprehensive reference tool. A valid way for readers to assess the risk of bias and the correct implementation of a diagnostic accuracy study is to find the necessary information by searching the requirements set by the STARD tool list.The Greek version of STARD seems to be an easy and comprehensive assessment list for use of both Greek speaking researchers and clinicians.

Implications: The use of an objective evaluation tool for clinical trials can ensure an objective way of reporting them. The objective reporting of these studies can ensure essentially useful research and the drawing of meaningful conclusions.

Funding acknowledgements: Framework "Smart Tourist". Co-financed by Greece and EU (European Regional Development Fund) NSRF 2014-2020, MIS 5047243

Reporting research

Research methodology, knowledge translation & implementation science

Did this work require ethics approval? Yes
Institution: University of Thessaly
Committee: 41 / 09.12.2020
Ethics number: Research Ethics Committee (EHDE)

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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