Charalambous L1, Kolokasi K1, Kamasia E1, Lampropoulou S1,2
1University of Nicosia, Department of Life and Health Sciences, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Greece, Physiotherapy Department, Aigio, Greece

Background: MPOC-SP is a 27-item self-assessment questionnaire for paediatric Service
Providers (SP). It is specifically designed to quantify the family-centered behaviors of health professionals, dealing with children with chronic health or developmental problems. Family centered services (FCS) are based on the philosophy that family is recognized as the child´s long-term caregiver and services should be available to all family members. Therefore, the whole family is to be taken into consideration during the process of care. The MPOC-SP is a broadly focused; valid and reliable instrument developed by CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research, Canada and has been distributed, translated and evaluated for use to many countries around the world. However, its psychometric characteristics have not been assessed regarding its Greek version

Purpose: In spite of the fact that many facilities in Cyprus have organized their services
according to FCS; no studies are available about Family-Centered Care (FCC). In the light of the developing National Health System, MPOC-SP questionnaire was considered the most appropriate measurement outcome for data collection regarding the FC care in Cyprus.
Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the psychometric qualities of the MPOC-SP of the Greek version within the population of Cyprus paediatric physiotherapists. A further aim was to investigate how FC care is provided by the Cypriot Paediatric Physiotherapists.

Methods: The Gr eek version of MPOC-SP questionnaire was distributed to 66 Greek speaking
Peadiatric Physiotherapists (12 males and 54 females who 60% were above 40years old). The questionnaire was distributed for second time after four weeks in order to evaluate the consistency in the repeated answers and thus to report its test-retest reliability. Data obtained from the questionnaires were analysed with SPSS Statistics 24.

Results: The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient for test-retest me asurements of the Greek
version of the MPOC-SP yielded a strong, significant correlation (ICC=0.92). The internal consistency among the items of the Greek MPOC-SP was excellent (Cronbach´s alpha 0.90). Furthermore, regarding the physiotherapists´ perspectives it was found that Interpersonal Sensitivity was shown to the families´ and their child to a great and very great extent of 70% and Treating People Respectfully also was provided to a great and very great extent of 78%. Additionally, Physiotherapists Provide General Information to a fairly great extent at a percentage of 50% and they are Communicating Specific Information about the Child also to a fairly great extent at a percentage of 60%.

Conclusion(s): The Greek MPOC-SP has excellent test-retest reliability and excellent internal
consistency. The information gathered through it report that Cypriot Physiotherapists provide FCC to a great extent.

Implications: This is the first time that MPOC-SP was administered to the Cyprus paediatric
Physiotherapists. In a developing National Health System FCSs should be embedded in the rehabilitation services and the Greek MPOC-SP is a reliable tool to be used for relevant evaluation of FCS in Cyprus. In addition, it can be used alone or in combination with other tools in order to obtain systematic and comprehensive information on Cyprus paediatric services necessary for organizational changes and quality improvement.

Keywords: Family-Centered Services,, MPOC-SP, Paediatric Physiotherapist

Funding acknowledgements: No funding for this project was provided

Topic: Paediatrics; Service delivery/emerging roles; Outcome measurement

Ethics approval required: Yes
Institution: Cyprus National Bioethics Committee
Ethics committee: Cyprus National Bioethics Committee
Ethics number: ΕΕΒΚ ΕΠ 2018.01.25

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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