Board appoints Presiding Officer and Resolutions Committee for General Meeting

WCPT is pleased to announce the following in relation to the 19th General Meeting to be held in Geneva, 8-9 May 2019.

Presiding Officer

Scott Ward, a member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), has been appointed as the Presiding Officer. Scott brings a wealth of governance experience from his service to APTA, including serving as President from 2006-2012, as well as experience of WCPT and General Meetings having been a past voting delegate.

The Presiding Officer is appointed by the WCPT President, with the approval of the Executive Board.

Resolutions Committee

The Resolutions Committee is appointed by the Executive Board to assist Member Organisations, prior to or during the meeting, with motions to be proposed.

The members of the Resolutions Committee are:

  • Maria-Louisa Busuttil, a member of the Malta Association of Physiotherapists
  • Joseph Capo-Chichi, a member of the Association Beninoise des Kinesitherapeutes - Reeducateurs
  • Magda Fourie, a member of the South African Society of Physiotherapy
  • Margaret Grant, a member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association

The Resolutions Committee will:

  • receive and review resolutions submitted in accordance with established procedure
  • clarify the intent and wording of proposed resolutions in consultation with the member organisation submitting it
  • combine resolutions of similar content, in consultation with the member organisations submitting them
  • declare a resolution beyond the power of the meeting following consultation with WCPT's legal counsel.

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