Please let us know of any items that can be added to this list.
Blog posts
- Hacia una fisioterapia basada en la evidencia. 12 May 2019
WCPT Congress. Geneve 2019. Stronger Together
- Christina Le: YEG Physio. 20 May 2019
Reflections from WCPT 2019
- José Ángel González, CEU-UCH. 21 May 2019
Nuestro professor en Ginebra. Congreso Mundial de Fisioterapia
- Kim Jackson: Physiopedia. 22 May 2019
What attending WCPT2019 in Geneva meant to me
- Andrew Walton, Connect Health. 23 May 2019
How big conferences can change to make sure our future leaders aren’t excluded
- Kyle Vader, Queen’s University. 3 June 2019
Rehabilitation Science PhD Student receives outstanding poster award at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress in Geneva
- Amanda Ager: Physiopedia. 5 June 2019
The top ten reasons you HAVE to attend the next WCPT Congress in Dubai, UAE: 2021
- Chris Sebelski, Saint Louis University. 10 June 2019
SLU PT Faculty Member Chris Sebelski, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS, Presents Scholarly Research in Geneva Switzerland
- Kim Hall, Physio2U. 25 June 2019
Faire du chemin
- Louise Brennan. 1 July 2019
Adventures of a PhD researcher: attending a global physiotherapy conference! A photo-blog of WCPT 2019
Media coverage
- pt Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten. May 2019
WCPT Congress 2019 playlist
- Krajowa Izba Fizjoterapeutow. May 2019
News and views from WCPT Congress 2019
- Fysioterapeuten. Danske Fysioterapeuter. May 2019
10 page congress report
- Vibeke Pilmark, Danske Fysioterapeuter. 10 May 2019
Ny international subgruppe for onkologi med dansk medlemskab
- Vibeke Pilmark, Danske Fysioterapeuter. 11 May 2019
Fysioterapi er effektiv og billigere end operation
Physiotherapy is effective and cheaper than surgery
- Vibeke Pilmark, Danske Fysioterapeuter. 11 May 2019
Psykosociale faktorer spiller også en rolle for smerter i skulder og albue
Psychosocial factors also play a role in shoulder and elbow pain
- Vibeke Pilmark, Danske Fysioterapeuter. 12 May 2019
Fysioterapi før operation forebygger komplikationer
Physiotherapy before surgery prevents complications
- Vibeke Pilmark, Danske Fysioterapeuter. 14 May 2019
Fysisk aktivitet, BBAT og mental sundhed ved kroniske somatiske lidelser
Physical activity, BBAT and mental health in chronic somatic disorders
- Vibeke Pilmark, Danske Fysioterapeuter. 14 May 2019
Palmeblade, urter og kinesisk medicin
Palm leaves, herbs and Chinese medicine
- Cochrane Rehabilitation. 14 May 2019
Cochrane Rehabilitation at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy
- Agneta Persson, Fysioterapi. 15 May 2019
Volontärers gästspel kan skapa oreda
Volunteers are welcome but can create disarray in low income countries
- Lois Steen, Fysioterapi. 15 May 2019
Fem svenska fysioterapeuter fick fina utmärkelser
Five Swedish physiotherapists receive awards
- Agneta Persson, Fysioterapi. 15 May 2019
Alternativa metoder och evidens diskuterades
Use of alternative methods and evidence alongside physical therapy
- Agneta Persson, Fysioterapi. 15 May 2019
Barn i Brasilien får lära sig att rädda liv
Children in Brazil are taught to save lives
- Agneta Persson, Fysioterapi. 15 May 2019
Hon tog tåget till Schweiz – för miljön
- Agneta Persson and Lois Steen, Fysioterapi. 15 May 2019
Kollegor från olika länder beskriver sina utmaningar
Colleagues from different countries describe their challenges
- Fysioterapeuten. Norsk Fysioterapeutforbund. 19 May 2019
8 page congress report
- Lois Steen, Fysioterapi. 20 May 2019
Tidig träning är effektivt för barn med Downs syndrom
Early exercise is effective for children with Down’s syndrome
- Misericordia University. 30 May 2019
Doctor of Physical Therapy students present scholarly research in Switzerland
- Colegio Profesional de Fisioterapeutas. June 2019
30 dias de fisioterapia
- Australian Physiotherapy Association. 3 June 2019
Global honour is evidence of excellence
- Huntington News. 5 June 2019
MU presents research at World Confederation for Physical Therapy in Switzerland
- Tracy Blake, Ontario Physiotherapy Association. 17 June 2019
Ontario PTs at WCPT Congress 2019
- Consejos de Fisioterapia. 25 June 2019
Diversidad e inclusión
Diversity and inclusion