Have your say on WCPT’s Education Guidelines

The WCPT Executive Board appointed an Education Policy and Guidelines Expert Working Group (EPPG-EWG) to work with an external consultant on a review of the current education resources.

The Education Policy Statement has been reviewed and a consultation has been completed with WCPT’s member organisations, regions and subgroups. The revised Education Policy Statement will be presented to the WCPT General Meeting for approval in May 2019.

WCPT has a number of guidelines in support of this policy. A review of these, along with a review of a range of physical therapist education and curriculum resources, has identified a number of themes for consultation:

  1. Style and format
  2. Educational infrastructure
  3. Inter-relationships
  4. Update of content
  5. Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

The EPG-EWG has issued a consultation paper and an online survey to gather feedback from across the profession, and is interested in hearing from education providers, educators, practitioners, researchers, managers and policy makers.

The deadline for feedback has now passed.

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