World Physiotherapy staff celebrate World PT Day with physiotherapists in China

World Physiotherapy staff had the opportunity to celebrate World PT Day with physiotherapists in Guangzhou, China

The China Physical Therapy Association (CPTA) held a Symposium on Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Education and Professional Development at the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China, on 8 September to celebrate World PT Day. 

Jonathon Kruger, World Physiotherapy chief executive officer, Heidi Kosakowski, World Physiotherapy head of membership and policy, and Alice Jones, emeritus professor at the University of Queensland, Australia, were invited to attend the seminar. 

World Physiotherapy staff celebrate World PT Day in China in September 2023

Wang Yuling, secretary-general of CPTA, Qi Qi, chairman of CPTA, and World Physiotherapy guests presented lectures on topics, including the internationalisation of physiotherapy, physiotherapy education, and career development.

In the subsequent round table, the World Physiotherapy representatives had discussions with the representative from CPTA on World Physiotherapy’s membership requirements and issues related to the standard of education in China.

Jonathon Kruger said: “The discussions with CPTA finished off a very successful visit to China. It is important that China is considered for membership of World Physiotherapy as soon as possible. The main challenge being that the majority of current CPTA members are rehabilitation therapists*. My staff and I will continue to work with CPTA, or any other national physiotherapy association, to create an appropriate pathway for physiotherapists in China to join the global physiotherapy community. 

“Physiotherapy in China is in its infancy. There is huge potential for physiotherapists from China to quickly become global leaders. Greater collaboration with international physiotherapists will be critical to ensure that the growth aligns with international standards. 

“World Physiotherapy will be happy to consider membership from a national physiotherapy association in the near future. However, for that to occur, we must be absolutely convinced that any applicant association is comprised of a majority of physiotherapist members and is led by a board that comprises a majority of physiotherapists.” 

In 1996, World Physiotherapy designated September 8 as World PT Day, with the aim of raising awareness among physiotherapists around the globe and the world about the important role that physiotherapists play in promoting and maintaining the overall health of people.

* Rehabilitation therapy is a separate and distinct profession, unique to China, that incorporates aspects of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech and language therapy. 

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