World Physiotherapy warns about scammers

Some member organisations and congress participants have been receiving emails from rogue list brokers claiming to offer discounts for flights and accommodation to attend World Physiotherapy Congress 2025 in Tokyo.

The email appears to be a personal invitation from Michel Landry, World Physiotherapy president, and invites recipients to reply to the email address to receive a discount for group bookings.

It is a scam.

World Physiotherapy does not rent, share, or sell the email or physical addresses to any third parties or list brokers.

These scammers are trying to phish for your information and gain access to financial resources. The scammers have no association with World Physiotherapy or our events, including congress, and activities.

Some scammers may offer to sell you a list with the contact details of registered participants.  

This is also a scam.

Scammers offering to sell these lists often aggregate information based on web crawlers or email “scraper” programmes that search for the “@” sign in email addresses posted online, including LinkedIn and Facebook. While this is illegal in most countries/territories, it does not prevent scammers from doing this. The best way to prevent this happening is to protect your information and, if possible, do not share your email address online.

Please do not engage with and/or acquire/purchase any list from any organisation or individual claiming to have access to the World Physiotherapy congress database, participants, exhibitors, or contact information. If you respond, even to “unsubscribe”, you will be confirming to a scammer they have reached a valid email address.

We encourage you to block the sender, delete the email, and report scammers to the government fraud department in your country/territory.

What to look out for

  • Does the email address look correct?
    • World Physiotherapy email addresses always end with
  • Does the name of the event appear correctly in the email? 
    • Our event is World Physiotherapy Congress 2025 and it is never abbreviated. 
  • Does the email refer to congress program/programme executive committee?
    • We only have a congress programme committee
  • Is it difficult to find out the contact details for the organisation that has sent the email?
    • World Physiotherapy logo and contact details are included in our emails.

World Physiotherapy Congress 2025

We have recognised partners for congress travel and accommodation

•    our congress travel partner
•    our congress accommodation partners

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World Physiotherapy Congress 2025
