Policy statement: Armed violence

World Physiotherapy believes that physiotherapists play a vital role in dealing with the

Health: 'Health' is defined in the WHO constitution of 1948 as a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

See also Health promotion

See full list of glossary terms

problems and functional limitations that are the direct consequence of armed violence and the use of landmines and other weapons of war, even in peace times. service delivery systems in countries/territories where significant violence has occurred rarely have the to respond to the demands placed on them. Landmines, cluster munitions, and remnants of weapons of war, in particular, pose an indiscriminate threat to health and continue to be active long after conflicts have ended. services and equipment provision are often poorly funded and inadequate to enable individuals to achieve the full functional recovery of which they are capable and to which they have a right.

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Policy statement in multiple languages

Policy statement cover thumbnail: Armed violence

The consequences of armed violence, landmines and other weapons of war


Policy statement cover thumbnail: Armed violence (in Japanese)



policy statement: armed violence (French)

Les conséquences de la violence armée, des mines terrestres et autres armes de guerre


policy statement: armed violence (Spanish)

Consecuencias de la violencia armada, las minas terrestres y otras armas de guerra

