Policy statement: Ethical principles and responsibilities of physiotherapists and member organisations

This policy statement holds ethical principles and explains the ethical responsibilities of physiotherapists and member organisations addressing all aspects of professional conduct.

World Physiotherapy expects its member organisations to:

  • have a code of ethics or code of conduct.
  • publish, promote and circulate their code of ethics or code of conduct for the benefit of their members, the general public, employers, governments and government agencies.
  • ensure that the association, or relevant regulatory body, has procedures for monitoring the practice of their members, handling complaints, along with appropriate disciplinary procedures and sanctions for members whose practice falls outside their code of ethics or code of conduct.

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Policy statement in multiple languages

Policy statement cover thumbnail: Policy statement in multiple languages

Ethical principles and responsibilities of physiotherapists and member organisations


Policy statement cover thumbnail: Ethical principles and responsibilities (in Japanese)



policy statement: ethical principles and the responsibilities of physiotherapists and member organisations (French)

Principes éthiques et responsabilités des kinésithérapeutes et des organisations membres


policy statement: ethical principles and the responsibilities of physiotherapists and member organisations (Spanish)

Principios éticos y responsabilidades de los fisioterapeutas y las organizaciones miembros

