Policy statement: Physiotherapist practice specialisation

World Physiotherapy supports member organisations’ leadership and advocacy to influence national policies on practice

Specialisation: Physiotherapist specialisation is the result of in-depth knowledge, skills and competence attained by a physical therapist qualified in a specific area, within the scope of practice recognised as physiotherapy. This usually results from defined training and educational pathways, associated with a formal process for testing and recognising the higher level acquired, but it may also be demonstrated as a result of informal learning and experience.

See also Advanced practice

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, where such is considered by them to benefit the public and the profession by promoting high standards of . In line with the World Physiotherapy policy statement on advanced practice, practice needs to be distinguished from . While physiotherapists who are advanced practitioners are normally specialists; specialist physiotherapists may not be advanced practitioners. 

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Physiotherapist practice specialisation


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policy statement: physiotherapist practice specialisation (French)

Spécialisation de la pratique des kinésithérapeutes


policy statement: physiotherapist practice specialisation (Spanish)

Especialización práctica del fisioterapeuta

