International Organisation of Aquatic Physiotherapists (IOAPT)

A physiotherapist leading an aquatic exercise class

About the specialty group

The IOAPT has a mission and vision to advance aquatic physiotherapy worldwide.

The objectives of the IOAPT are to:

  • be recognised as a specialty group of World Physiotherapy in accordance with the World Physiotherapy Articles of Association
  • encourage high standards of physiotherapy education, research and practice in particular those of relevance to aquatic physiotherapy
  • encourage communication and exchange of information including electronic, print and personal exchanges and organisation of education events for physiotherapists
  • encourage scientific research and promote evidence based physiotherapy practice in areas relevant to aquatic physiotherapy
  • encourage the development of national organisations of physiotherapists that share the objectives of the IOAPT
  • support World Physiotherapy in representing aquatic physiotherapy internationally
  • engage in all necessary activities to further the best interests of World Physiotherapy and aquatic physiotherapy


Members must be the national professional organisations representing physiotherapists with an interest in aquatic physiotherapy, which are recognised by the World Physiotherapy member organisation, or the World Physiotherapy member organisation itself where such a group does not exist. Members of the groups must also be members of the World Physiotherapy member organisation. Only one organisation per country shall be eligible for membership.

Membership of the IOAPT specialty group is also open to physiotherapists working or interested in working in aquatic physiotherapy, that belong to a member organisation. Through your membership you will be linked with colleagues who share the same background and interests, in your own country and worldwide. We invite you to join us to discuss the future specialty group aims and objectives. Membership of the IOAPT specialty group is free. If your national association or national specialty group is not yet a proposed member organisation then consider becoming one. In the meantime, join us via social media.

Image credit: César Sá

Year subgroup recognised


Contact details

  • telephone +351 916 412 185

More about this specialty group
