Ivory Coast: World PT Day 2018

To celebrate World Physiotherapy Day 2018, the Ivorian Association of Masseur Physiotherapists (AIMK) held activities over two days on 7 and 8 September in the beautiful city of Bouaké, located 230 km from the capital Abidjan. In total 54 physios who went to Bouaké.

7 September 2018

The first afternoon consisted of a meeting with the general public on three topics: 1. What is AIMK and physiotherapy; 2. Explanation on strokes accompanied by the intervention of a psychologist and the testimony of a well-known comedian Guei Veh; 3. Explanation about low back pain.

This conference was a real success with more than 200 people attending (patients, parents of patients and medical staff).

8 September 2018

The day began with a scientific conference for PTs on strokes.

Subsequently three hours were devoted to the free care of patients within the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department of the University Hospital of Bouaké. Nearly 70 patients were treated by 30 PT volunteers. We provided advice, listening and care to the population.

The day ended in the afternoon with football games.

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