Singapore: World PT Day 2022

In tandem with the theme for World PT Day 2022 on osteoarthritis (OA) and the role of physiotherapists, the Singapore Physiotherapy Association advocated for the importance of physical activity and exercise in the prevention and management of OA. This advocacy is a continuum and extension of the association's theme for last year for Singaporeans to #GetUpGetActive.

To address the prevention and management of OA, possible interventions could include:
(i) [S]trength and conditioning, (ii) [P]ain management, (iii) [A]dvocating lifestyle changes.

This pillared SPA's theme for World PT Day 2022, as we celebrate our unity and solidarity with the global physiotherapy community.

The association continues to advocate for the role of physiotherapy in various aspects of our lives and encourages people to 'Choose Physio'. Through this campaign, we hope to highlight the unique and diverse roles that physiotherapists play across different populations.

The association worked together with various hospitals and institutions in Singapore.

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