Weldon P.1
1Trinity College Dublin, Physiotherapy, Navan, Co. Meath, Ireland

Background: Unresolved traumatic experience from birth affects mother and baby and has a detrimental influence on bonding and attachment and how a baby develops.
“….when another woman is talking about birth, the trauma is evident as they recount the loop of experience trapped in birth, invariably ending with, 'but I suppose I am lucky, thank god, I know much worse'. Why is this so hidden…how has it become accepted that we can't complain about the level of care? …why are women confining these conversations to online forums and whispered dark thoughts?” Mother / Psychotherapist
Unresolved issues become powerful underlying dynamics, which can come between a mother and her baby. These dynamics govern whether or not a baby feels 'settled' and secure in the world.

Purpose: Objectives/aims of the Mother and Child Program:
· To educate health care professionals and parents about the critical importance of the birth experience and 0-to-12weeks period post-delivery for mother and baby.
· To raise awareness of the impact that (physical or emotional) separation at birth has on bonding, attachment, breastfeeding and development.
When the mother is disconnected (in a non-natural birth) or is too sore to relate to her baby a vital window for bonding and attachment is lost.
· To teach health care professionals how to recognise behavioural characteristics of a child who is not well bonded and how to work with mother and child to resolve this.

Methods: The Mother and Child Program: an online program of 6 training modules specifically designed for healthcare professionals to address the objectives. Benefits/results: · The Program will help Physiotherapists develop, nurture and provide a mother-and-child-centred therapy system by learning to truly understand what is going on between a mother and her baby on the deepest levels. · Imparts knowledge, skills and practical tools for Physiotherapists working with babies, children and their families. · Equips students to protect themselves emotionally in clinical practice. · Online mentoring allows students to ask questions and build confidence while learning key new skills.

Results: Testimonial: ‘A brilliant program providing in-depth knowledge of the physical, emotional and mental aspects of conception, birth and beyond and offering a set of skills focusing on facilitating change to help mothers and babies with difficulties. Ongoing support and valuable feedback from Patricia made it a truly transforming learning experience on both a professional and personal level!’ Zsofia Szendrei PT, CST-T

Conclusion(s): Understanding how bonding and attachment and early imprinting affects early development will help physiotherapists get to the deeper layers in their intervention with babies and children.

Implications: Introducing Physiotherapists to ways of working with birth imprints and nurturing the mother baby bond will revolutionise how we work with mothers and babies and families.

Funding acknowledgements: Private funding

Topic: Education: continuing professional development

Ethics approval: Ethics approval was not required for this study

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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