Health information in digital era is focus for WHO-FIC meeting

Valid health information in the digital era was the theme of the recent WHO Family of International Classifications Network annual meeting.

Around 170 people took part in the virtual meeting and World Physiotherapy was represented by Weronika Krzepkowska, from the Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists’ international cooperation department.

Discussions during the meeting covered a range of subjects, including the need to collect data in an appropriate and consistent manner, update on International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), the challenges of implementing International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), and progress on the development the WHO Academy.

Participants at the meeting included representatives from WHO, WHO-FIC, member states, and non government organisations. They agreed a series of actions to:

  • deliver classifications that are fit for purpose, responsive to the needs of users and changing environments, and validated internationally using evidence-based methods
  • build partnerships with health information communities, policymakers, clinicians and consumers
  • support and serve users globally and among stakeholder groups.

Weronika said: “I'm glad I had the opportunity to represent World Physiotherapy. It was a very valuable experience and will enable the Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists to increase understanding of the value of assessing the functioning status of people in Poland. This will help strengthen awareness of the role of physiotherapists and their contribution to rehabilitation services. 

“Attending the WHO-FIC annual meeting confirmed we are moving in the right direction in Poland.”   

If you are interested potentially in being part of a discussion forum on the use of outcome measures such ICF, please contact [email protected]

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