Representatives from 10 member organisations in the South America region attended the first in-person regional general meeting since 2019.
The general meeting took place, 18 May 2024, in Lima, Peru, and was followed by a one-day educational course, Direct access to physiotherapy services, at the Norbert Weiner University on 19 May 2024.
Michel Landry, World Physiotherapy president and Karim Alvis, World Physiotherapy board member, also attended the regional general meeting. During the general meeting, Michel announced Guadalajara, Mexico, will be the location for the World Physiotherapy general meeting and congress in 2027.
Four motions presented by member organisations from Colombia, Mexico, and Peru were approved at the general meeting. The motions covered a range of issues, including education standards, professional development, and specialty groups.

Oscar Ronzio, World Physiotherapy South America region chair and member of Asociación Argentina de Kinesiologia/Argentine Kinesiology Association, said: “It was a successful and supportive general meeting and educational event.
“It was great to be able to welcome Asociación Dominicana de Terapeutas Físicos (ADOFD)/Dominican Association of Physical Therapists to the South America region. We all appreciated having the chance to be together to share experiences and ideas.
“The announcement about Guadalajara being the location for the next World Physiotherapy general meeting and congress is exciting. It will be the first time World Physiotherapy has held a general meeting and congress in its South America region and gives us something to work towards for the whole region."

Before the general meeting, Oscar Ronzio, World Physiotherapy South America region chair, Heidi Kosakowski, World Physiotherapy head of membership and policy, and Pablo Davó Cabra, World Physiotherapy professional adviser, attended a number of advocacy meetings with government representatives. The meetings were to support the campaign by Asociación Peruana de Fisioterapia (ASPEFISIO)/Peruvian Association of Physiotherapy to secure the Creation of the Physiotherapist’s college of Peru bill. This bill will set the foundation for further development of the physiotherapy profession in Peru. During the advocacy meetings, the World Physiotherapy team met with Germán Tacuri, second vice president of congress, and the office of Waldenar Cerrón.

Rosmy Gagliuffi Artica, Asociación Peruana de Fisioterapia (ASPEFISIO)/Peruvian Association of Physiotherapy president, said: “We feel very honoured our country has hosted the South America region general meeting. This has allowed us to bring together representatives of the region and colleges to talk and make decisions about the physiotherapy profession in the region and find common areas to collaborate so we can continue advancing physiotherapy as a career and for the benefit of local populations.
“In addition, the educational course, with a focus on the importance of evaluation and referral for a correct approach to patients, has allowed us to share experiences, strengthen our skills, and reflect on our professional practice.”
Diosa Hernández, Asociación Dominicana de Terapeutas Físicos (ADOFD)/Dominican Association of Physical Therapists president, said: “It was a wonderful experience: something I have never experienced before.
“As president of ADOFD, I am certain the Dominican Republic has taken a step forward by belonging to World Physiotherapy.
“During the educational course, we could see how many countries in the South America region are fighting for a common goal: to improve the quality of physiotherapy services, making a correct diagnosis”.
Noemi Fremd, Asociación de Fisioterapeutas del Uruguay/Physiotherapists' Association of Uruguay president, said: “These events are very necessary for our organisations. They allow us to get to know the different realities of countries in the region, exchange experiences and find the similarities that unite us.
“A major aspect was the opportunity to meet with representatives of World Physiotherapy, including the president and members of the region’s executive committee.
“We must continue to work to strengthen the ties for growth and the best professional practice.”