Advanced practiceAdvanced practice: In physiotherapy advanced practice includes: a higher level of practice, functions, responsibilities, activities and capabilities may be, but is not necessarily, associated with a particular occupational title e.g. ‘consultant physiotherapist’, ‘advanced physiotherapy practitioner’, ‘advanced practice physiotherapist’ ‘extended scope practitioner’ requires a combination of advanced and distinctly increased clinical and analytical skills, knowledge, clinical reasoning, attitudes and experience results in the responsibility for the delivery of care to patients/clients more commonly with complex needs or problems safely and competently and to manage risk View full list of glossary terms in physiotherapySee Physical therapy has become a more common feature of the profession in the past decade in a number of countries. The emergence of advanced practiceAdvanced practice: In physiotherapy advanced practice includes: a higher level of practice, functions, responsibilities, activities and capabilities may be, but is not necessarily, associated with a particular occupational title e.g. ‘consultant physiotherapist’, ‘advanced physiotherapy practitioner’, ‘advanced practice physiotherapist’ ‘extended scope practitioner’ requires a combination of advanced and distinctly increased clinical and analytical skills, knowledge, clinical reasoning, attitudes and experience results in the responsibility for the delivery of care to patients/clients more commonly with complex needs or problems safely and competently and to manage risk View full list of glossary terms opportunities reflects an area for significant development in the delivery of physiotherapySee Physical therapy to meet the needs of society and evolving service delivery models.
Policy statement: Advanced physiotherapy practice