Policy statement: Direct access and patient/client self-referral to physiotherapy

World Physiotherapy advocates that direct access to physiotherapy and patient/client self-referral will allow service users to meet their physiotherapygoals. Physiotherapy professional entry-level education prepares physiotherapists to be primary contact autonomous practitioners, able to examine/assess, evaluate, diagnose, intervene/treat, determine outcomes and discharge patients/clients without referral from another health professional (eg medical practitioner) or other third party. Further, World Physiotherapy advocates for service developments and delivery models that allow patients/clients improved access to physiotherapy services through the ability to refer themselves directly to a physiotherapist.

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Policy statement in multiple languages

Policy statement cover thumbnail: Direct access and patient/client self-referral to physiotherapy

Direct access and patient/client self-referral to physiotherapy


Policy statement cover thumbnail: Direct access (in Japanese)

理学療法へのダ イレクトアクセスと患者/利用者のセルフリファーラル


policy statement: direct access and patient/client self-referral to physiotherapy (French)

Accès direct et auto-référencement des patients/clients à la kinésithérapie


policy statement: direct access and patient/client self-referral to physiotherapy (Spanish)

Acceso directo y autoderivación del paciente/cliente a fisioterapia

