Many physiotherapists choose to seek practice opportunities at some time in their professional careers in a country/territory other than the one in which they qualified, and World Physiotherapy supports the opportunities this provides. It also recognises the value of reciprocityReciprocity: Means that one country recognises the physiotherapy credentials/qualifications of another. Although this type of recognition facilitates professional mobility, it can only exist when two or more registering authorities agree that their qualifications are substantially equivalent. View full list of glossary terms, where one country/territory recognises the physiotherapySee Physical therapy qualifications of another. Although this type of mutual recognitionRecognition: Formal acceptance of a student’s knowledge, skills, or former academic studies and the granting of advanced standing or credit. The term may also apply to formal acceptance of an educational institution by another institution or public authority. Recognition relates more to acceptance and equivalency, i.e. determining a relationship of parity between one system, jurisdiction, or institution and another with respect to the value and significance of courses, diplomas, certificates, licenses, and/or degrees. View full list of glossary terms facilitates professional mobility, it can only exist when two or more legislative/regulatory/recognitionRecognition: Formal acceptance of a student’s knowledge, skills, or former academic studies and the granting of advanced standing or credit. The term may also apply to formal acceptance of an educational institution by another institution or public authority. Recognition relates more to acceptance and equivalency, i.e. determining a relationship of parity between one system, jurisdiction, or institution and another with respect to the value and significance of courses, diplomas, certificates, licenses, and/or degrees. View full list of glossary terms authorities agree that their physiotherapySee Physical therapy qualifications are substantially equivalent and that there are enough similarities or minor differences in professional practice to ensure protection of the public.
Policy statement: Reciprocity – mutual professional recognition