Policy statement: Physiotherapist support personnel

World Physiotherapy advocates that policies for using

See Physical therapist

have to be determined at a national level. is an internationally recognised profession. It may be practised only by qualified and, where required by state or national legislation, duly licensed/registered physiotherapists. World Physiotherapy advocates that where physiotherapist support personnel are utilised, direction and supervision from a physiotherapist are essential in the provision of quality services. The of direction and supervision necessary for assuring quality physiotherapy services is dependent upon many factors, including the education, experiences, and responsibilities of the parties involved, the needs of the / and the organisational structure in which the physiotherapy services are provided.

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Policy statement in multiple languages

Policy statement cover thumbnail: Physiotherapist support personnel

Physiotherapist support personnel


Policy statement cover thumbnail: Support personnel (in Japanese)

理学療法士 サポート要員


policy statement: physiotherapist support personnel (French)

Personnel d'appui des kinésithérapeutes


policy statement: physiotherapist support personnel (Spanish)

personal de apoyo fisioterapeuta

