World Physiotherapy advocates for appropriate planning, management, and development of the healthHealth: 'Health' is defined in the WHO constitution of 1948 as a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. See also Health promotionSee full list of glossary termsworkforceSee Health workforce. These are fundamental to the provision of patientPatient: An individual who is the recipient of physical therapy and direct interventions. A person for whom a health service accepts responsibility for treatment and/or care. Individuals who are recipients of physical therapy may also be referred to as clients or service users. See also Client, Service userView full list of glossary terms/clientClient: a person, group or organisation eligible to receive services either directly or indirectly from a physiotherapist. The client is: an individual who is not necessarily sick or injured but who can benefit from a physiotherapist’s consultation, professional advice, or services; or a business, school system, and others to whom physiotherapists offer services. See also Patient See also Service userView full list of glossary terms-centred, equitable, and responsive healthHealth: 'Health' is defined in the WHO constitution of 1948 as a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. See also Health promotionSee full list of glossary terms services. An adequately resourced, competent, and motivated workforceSee Health workforce is essential to strengthening the healthHealth: 'Health' is defined in the WHO constitution of 1948 as a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. See also Health promotionSee full list of glossary terms of each nation.
Policy statement: Health workforce planning