Policies and guidelines

Our policy documents and guidelines can be used to inform professional practice, education, planning and development

Our policy statements set out our agreed stance or opinion on a range of topics. They are important tools for informing health and social policy around the world and furthering the development of the profession and service delivery.

There are four categories of policy documents: education, professional issues, professional practice, and social issues.

Many policies are supported by additional resources, such as guidelines or dedicated areas of the World Physiotherapy website.

You can filter by topic, type and language to search our policy statements, guidelines, and endorsements. 

Policy statements

Our policy statements record our agreed opinion on issues affecting the practice of physiotherapy internationally. They are designed to be used by World Physiotherapy, our member organisations, and those wishing to further the development of physiotherapy and improve health. Member organisations are expected to promote and use them, when appropriate, with other bodies, including national governments, to support national policy development. They have a simple majority vote at our general meeting.


Our guidelines have been produced to help member organisations and others raise the quality of physiotherapy. They may provide guidance on standards, criteria or courses of action in areas relevant to physiotherapy education, research, practice or policy. They are not mandatory but designed to help the implementation of our policies. 


These record our support for policy statements that have been developed by other organisations and are relevant to physiotherapy internationally. They have a simple majority vote at our general meeting.