Current members
- Australian Physiotherapy Association (Sports Physiotherapy Australia) (Australia)
- Sports physiotherapy interest group of Physio Austria (Austria)
- AXXON BCIG Sportkinesitherapie/BFSP (Belgium)
- Sociedade Nacional de Fisioterapia Esportiva e da Atividade Física (Brazil)
- Bulgarian organization of Sport Physical Therapy (Bulgaria)
- Cameroon Association of Sports Physiotherapy (Cameroon)
- Sport Physiotherapy division of Canadian Physiotherapy Association (Canada)
- Sociedad chilena científica de kinesiología del deporte - SOKIDE (Chile)
- Subgroup of Sports Physiotherapy (Cyprus)
- Danish Society of Sports Physiotherapy (Denmark)
- Finnish Sports Physiotherapist Association (FSPA) (Finland)
- Société Française des Masseurs-kinésithérapeutes du Sport (France)
- AG Sportphysiotherapie (Germany)
- Scientific department of Occupational health and ergonomics of the Pan-Hellenic Physiotherapists’ Association (Greece)
- Sports and Exercise Specialty Group of Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association (Hong Kong)
- Indonesian Sports Physiotherapy Community (Indonesia)
- Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports and Exercise Medicine (Ireland)
- Sport Interest Group – Israel Physiotherapy Society (Israel)
- Group of Italian Sports Physical Therapists (Italy)
- Japanese Society of Sports Physical Therapy (Japan)
- Society of Sport Physiotherapy of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
- Dutch Society for Sports Physical Therapy (Netherlands)
- Sports Physiotherapy New Zealand (New Zealand)
- Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy Sports Physiotherapy Specialty Group (Nigeria)
- Norwegian Sports Physical Therapy Association (Norway)
- Grupo de Interesse em Fisioterapia no Desporto (Portugal)
- Saudi Sport Physiotherapy Group (Saudi Arabia)
- Section for Sports Physiotherapy (Slovenia)
- South African Society of Physiotherapy: Sport Physiotherapy Group (South Africa)
- Korean Academy of Sports Physical Therapy (Republic of South Korea)
- Asociacion Española de Fisioterapeutas en Deporte Y Actividad Fisica (Spain)
- Physical activity and sports medicine section (Sweden)
- physioswiss (Switzerland)
- Thai Sports Physiotherapy Society (Thailand)
- Turkish Association of Sports Physiotherapists (Turkey)
- Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine (United Kingdom)