Current members
- Physiotherapy Business Australia (Australia)
- Axxon, Physical Therapy in Belgium (Belgium)
- Canadian Physiotherapy Association (Canada)
- Professional Practice in Physiotherapy Group (Colombia)
- Association of Danish Private Practitioners Private Practitioners in Denmark (Denmark)
- Suomen Fysioterapeutit/Finnish Association of Physiotherapists (Finland)
- Deutscher Verband fuer Physiotherapie/German Association for Physiotherapy (Germany)
- Chartered Physiotherapists in Private Practice (Ireland)
- Lebanese Private Practitioners Physiotherapy Section of the Order of Physiotherapists in Lebanon (Lebanon)
- Physiotherapy Association of Malawi (Malawi)
- Malta Association of Physiotherapists (Malta)
- Namibian Society of Physiotherapy (Namibia)
- Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie/Royal Dutch Society for Physiotherapy (Netherlands)
- Physiotherapy New Zealand (New Zealand)
- NPAs Self Employed Physiotherapist Advisory Committee (Norway)
- South African Society of Physiotherapy: SASP Private Sector Group (South Africa)
- Asociación Española de Fisioterapeutas/Spanish Association of Physiotherapists (Spain)
- Fysioterapeuterna/Swedish Association of Physiotherapists (Sweden)
- Physioswiss (Switzerland)
- Physio First (United Kingdom)
- Private Practice Section APTA (United States)