Current members
- Australian Physiotherapy Association Mental Health Group (Australia)
- Fachliches Netzwerk Mental Health (Austria)
- Board of Physiotherapy in Mental Health (BPMH) (Bangladesh)
- AXXON Belgian Clinical Interest Group in Mental Health (Belgium)
- Bermuda Physiotherapy Association (Bermuda)
- Brazilian Interest Group in Mental Health (Brazil)
- Chilean Scientific Society of Physiotherapists in Mental Health (Chile)
- Group of Physiotherapy in Mental Health (Colombia)
- Scientific Society of Physiotherapy in Mental Health/ Sociedad Científica de Fisioterapia en Salud Mental (Costa Rica)
- Faggruppe i psykiatrisk og psykosomatisk fysioterapi (Denmark)
- Asociación Ecuatoriana de Fisioterapia en Salud Mental (Ecuador)
- Estonian Subsection of Physiotherapy in Mental Health (Estonia)
- Ethiopian Physiotherapists' Association (Ethiopia)
- Finnish Association of Psychophysical Physiotherapy (Finland)
- Scientific department of “Physiotherapy in Mental Health” of the Pan-Hellenic Physiotherapy Association (Greece)
- Asociación de Fisioterapeutas/Association of Physiotherapists (Guatemala)
- Mental Health Working Group of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association (Hong Kong)
- Faghopur Islenska sjukrabjalfa I gedsjukrapjalfun og salvefrænni naglum (Iceland)
- Japanese Special Interest Group of Physical Therapy in Mental Health (Japan)
- Latvian physiotherapy in Mental Health (Latvia)
- Associación Mexicana de Fisiotherapia en Salud Mental (Mexico)
- Nederlandse vereniging voor Psychosomatische Fysiotherapie (Netherlands)
- Physiotherapy New Zealand Section for Mental Health (New Zealand)
- Norwegian Psychomotor Physiotherapists (Norway)
- Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas/Order of Physiotherapists (Portugal)
- South African Society of Physiotherapy: Mental Health Physiotherapy Group (South Africa)
- Asociación Española de Fisioterapeutas en Salud Mental (Spain)
- Swedish Association of Physiotherapists in Mental Health (Sweden)
- Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe für Physiotherapie in der Psychosomatik und Psychiatrie (Switzerland)
- Association of Physiotherapists in Tanzania (Tanzania)
- Turkish physiotherapists working in the patient with mental health (Turkey)
- Chartered Physiotherapists in Mental Healthcare (United Kingdom)
- American Physical Therapy Association (United States)
Network of interested colleagues
Within IOPTMH, there is a network of individual physiotherapists, representing more than 50 countries/territories from six continents. The network includes practitioners, educators and researchers.
To become a member (country/territory) of IOPTMH, the national physiotherapy association must be a World Physiotherapy member organisation. For further information, please contact the president, Daniel Catalan – [email protected]