On this page:
- Guidelines
- Practice resources
- Digital physiotherapy and telehealth
- Infection prevention and control
- Practice management
- Continuing professional development
Second version published December 2021
This version of Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting and beyond: an update to clinical practice recommendations was published in December 2021. It is an update to the first version of the guideline and is produced by the same team. It has again been endorsed by World Physiotherapy and others. The paper is published online by the Journal of Physiotherapy.
- Заглавие: Физиотерапия при пациенти в остро състояние с COVID-19 в болнични и извънболнични условия: актуализирани препоръки за клиничната практика
- 标题 COVID-19患者在急性院内及后续的物理治疗管理:临床实践建议的更新
- 題目: 急性醫院中COVID-19之物理治療處置及其他:臨床實務建議的更新
- Kinesitherapeutische behandeling voor COVID-19 in de acute ziekenhuisomgeving en in de nazorg: een update van de aanbevelingen voor de praktijk
- Prise en charge physiothérapeutique de la COVID-19 en milieu hospitalier aigu et au-delà: mise à jour des recommandations de pratique clinique
- Physiotherapeutische Behandlung von COVID-19 im Akutkrankenhaus und darüber hinaus: eine Aktualisierung der Empfehlungen für die klinische Praxis
- Φυσικοθεραπευτική παρέμβαση σε COVID-19 στην οξεία φάση νοσηλείας και εκτός αυτής: επικαιροποίηση των συστάσεων κλινικού έργου
- A COVID-19 fizioterápiás kezelése az akut kórházi környezetben és azon túl: a klinikai gyakorlatra vonatkozó ajánlások frissítése
- Management Fisioterapico per la Malattia COVID-19 in un Setting Ospedaliero per Acuti e in Altri Contesti: Aggiornamento delle Raccomandazioni di Pratica Clinica
- 急性期病院入院中と退院後のCOVID-19患者の理学療法管理:臨床実践上の推奨アップデート
- Postępowanie fizjoterapeutyczne w przypadku COVID-19 w ostrych warunkach szpitalnych i poza nimi: aktualizacja zaleceń dla praktyki klinicznej
- Manejo fisioterapêutico para a COVID-19 no ambiente hospitalar agudo e tardio: uma atualização das recomendações da prática clínica
- Managementul COVID-19 prin fizioterapie a cazurilor acute în cadrul spitalului și după externare: o actualizare a recomandărilor de practică clinică
- El manejo fisioterapéutico de la COVID-19 en el entorno hospitalario y post-hospitalario: una actualización de las recomendaciones de práctica clínica
- การจัดการทางกายภาพบำบัด สำหรับ COVID-19 ในระหวางและหลังจาก Acute hospital settings: คำแนะนำในการปฏิบัติงานทางคลินิกฉบับปรับปรุง
- Akut hastane ortamında ve sonrasında COVID-19 fizyoterapi yönetimi: klinik uygulama önerilerinde güncelleme
- Quản lý Vật lý trị liệu cho COVID-19 trong điều trị cấp tại bệnh viện và giai đoạn sau: Bản cập nhật các khuyến nghị thực hành lâm sàng
First version
First published in March 2020, Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting was produced by an international team of expert researchers and clinicians in the intensive care and acute cardiorespiratory fields, endorsed by World Physiotherapy and others. The paper is also published online by the Journal of Physiotherapy. [UPDATED - see link above]
This version of the guideline is available in:
- Menaxhimi i Fizioterapisë për COVID - 19 në Rrethana Akute të Spitalit
- Физиотерапия при остри състояния на пациенти с COVID-19 в болнични заведения
- 急性院内COVID-19物理治疗管理
- 急性醫院中COVID-19之物理治療處置
- Fizioterapijski management za COVID-19 u akutnom bolničkom smještaju
- Fysiotherapie management van COVID-19
- Physiothérapie et COVID-19
- Fysioterapiasuositus COVID-19
- Physiotherapeutisches Management für COVID-19 im akutstationären Setting
- Φυσικοθεραπευτική Παρέμβαση σε COVID-19 στο χώρο της Οξείας Φάσης Νοσηλείας
- COVID-19 fizioterápiás menedzsment az akut kórházi ellátásban
- Manajemen Fisioterapi Untuk COVID-19 Akut di Rumah Sakit
- Gestione Fisioterapica per COVID-19 in Ambito Ospedaliero Acuto
- 急性期病院におけるCOVID-19の理学療法管理
- Физиотерапeвтски интервенции кај COVID 19 во акутно болничко опкружување
- فیسی تَراپی ثرای ثیوبراى هجتلا ث و یٍَذ 19 در هرحل حبد ثستری: ت صَی بِّی ثبلی یٌ
- Organizacja fizjoterapii pacjentów z COVID-19 w warunkach oddziałów szpitalnych
- Manejo fisioterapêutico para COVID revisado
- Intervenção da Fisioterapia na COVID-19 em ambiente hospitalar para casos agudos
- Managementul fizioterapeutic pentru COVID-19 în Îngrijirea Simptomelor Acute
- Fizioterapeutski vodič za COVID-19 u akutnom bolničkom okruženju
- Vedenie fyzioterapie pri ochorení COVID-19
- Fisioterapia en el manejo del paciente COVID19 en fase aguda hospitalaria
- การจัดการทางกายภาพบาบัด สาหรับ COVID-19 ใน Acute hospital settings
- Akut Hastane Ortamında COVID-19 Fizyoterapi Yönetimi
- Quản lý Vật lý trị liệu cho COVID-19 trong điều trị cấp tại bệnh viện
Further translations are being produced. Anyone wishing to support translations in other languages should contact communications@world.physio
Listen to a podcast with Peter Thomas, consultant physiotherapist from Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Australia and lead author of the guideline.
The Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy (KNGF) has produced general recommendations on physiotherapy care in patients with COVID-19 after hospital discharge and patients who experienced COVID-19 illness at home.
Practice resources
World Physiotherapy Europe Region
Webinar: From ICU to long COVID: Physiotherapy for patients with COVID-19 infection recording from 28 April 2021
A number of courses are available:
- understanding coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- infection prevention and control
- role of physiotherapy in COVID-19
- respiratory management of people with COVID-19
- COVID-19 and nutrition
- physical activity and COVID-19
- mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic
PhysioPedia also has information about:
Report of an ad-hoc international task force of the European Respiratory Society to develop an expert-based opinion on early and short-term rehabilitative interventions (after the acute hospital setting) in COVID-19 survivors This is a living document and input from others is welcomed. Use the ERS blog to share experiences with the authors via the link above. The team aim to provide an update of the report at least once every two weeks and more frequently if needed. The document will result in a guidance for clinicians who want to provide rehabilitative interventions to COVID-19 survivors.
International Association of Physical Therapists working with Older People (IPTOP) are collating Resources for exercise and physical activity.
International Organisation of Aquatic Physical Therapists (IOAPT)statement about COVID-19 and the practice of aquatic physiotherapy (PDF) with recommendations and interview: Reflections on providing physiotherapy services during a pandemic(PDF) at the Sheba Medical Centre Hydrotherapy Service in Israel.
International Physical Therapists for HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Hospice and Palliative Care (IPT-HOPE)
- Seminar: Strategies for Management of People with COVID-19 with HIV, Cancer: Part 1. Watch the webinar recording. Password: 5x%.@5$$
- Seminar: COVID-19: Clinical Best Practices in Physical Therapy Management Watch the webinar recording
Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists guides for treating:
- adults with neurological conditions post COVID-19 in hospital, post-acute care and the community (PDF)
- community dwelling older people post COVID-19 Isolation (PDF)
- older people post COVID-19 in hospital, post-acute care and the community (PDF)
Scientific Council of Medical Continuing Education: Physical rehabilitation after pneumonia associated with coronavirus infection in Russian
NCD Alliance has a resource centre collating and directing to resources in support of the population with NCDs, a vulnerable group for COVID-19.
Cochrane: Special Collection: Coronavirus (2019-nCoV): evidence relevant to critical care available in Simplified Chinese, English, Farsi, French, Japanese, Malay, and Spanish. Further translations are planned.
ONCALLbuddy app for physiotherapists working respiratory on-call. Advice on assessment, treatment and more.
Haitian Physiotherapy Society: guidelines for physiotherapists providing care in hospital, clinics, and in the community.
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (UK): section on practice resources including, respiratory practice, face-to-face remote consultations, contact with patients, helping patients to stay active, and discharge support.
NHS Chain (UK): subgroup resources on long Covid
American Physical Therapy Association (US): physical therapist management of patients with diagnosed or suspected COVID-19
WHO: COVID-19 Clinical management: living guidance, 25 January 2021
Digital physiotherapy and telehealth
World Physiotherapy and INPTRA report on digital physical therapy practice to help physiotherapists work effectively and appropriately online. Also available in:
- Izvješče radne skupine za digitalnu fizikalnu terapiju WCPT/INPTRA
- Relatório da World Physiotherapy/INPTRA task force de prática digital de fisioterapia
- Reporte del grupo de trabojo de la WCPT/INPTRA sobre practica digital en fisioterapia
University of Melbourne
- Centre for Health Exercise & Sports Medicine, University of Melbourne: Physiotherapy care via telerehabilitation: Evidence summary
- Framework for core capabilities required of physiotherapists to provide quality care via videoconferencing
- free on-line training for physiotherapists in telehealth delivery of evidence-based knee osteoarthritis care
- free Explore ejercicios y estrategias para minimizar el dolor y mejorar la movilidad de los pacientes con artrosis de rodilla
- free Explorar exercícios e estratégias para minimizar a dor e melhorar a mobilidade de pacientes com osteoartrite do joelho
INPTRA webinar on Telehealth Clinical Education Considerations. More details.
International Private Physical Therapy Association (IPPTA) has conducted a survey of its member organisations about telehealth and has shared the results.
PEDro list of systematic reviews published in the last five years that evaluate the effects of tele-physiotherapy.
- Telehealth consultation platform on Physioplus
- Course on telehealth
Telehealth Toolbox guide on How to use telehealth to care for your patients during COVID-19
Centre for HealthHealth: 'Health' is defined in the WHO constitution of 1948 as a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. See also Health promotionSee full list of glossary terms, Exercise & Sports Medicine, University of Melbourne,
Australian Physiotherapy Association advice on telehealth and telehealth guidelines response to COVID-19
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (UK) advice on remote digital solutions
Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists: policy on ehealth for physiotherapists
Cochrane: special collection on remote care through telehealth
American Physical Therapy Association (US) advice on telehealth and Facebook live recording on Implementing Telehealth in Your Practice STAT: Practical Guidance from Experienced Telehealth PTs.
Infection prevention and control
WHO: advice on infection prevention and control
NHS (UK): useful reference videos on Putting on personal protective equipment (PPE) and Taking off personal protective equipment (PPE)
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (UK): advice on personal protective equipment (PPE)
American Physical Therapy Association (US): blog on best practice in infection prevention
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO): informative video on using personal protective equipment (PPE)
World Health Professions Alliance: press release calling governments to prioritise support for healthcare workers in the front line against coronavirus and especially provision of PPE.
Cochrane: Special Collection: Coronavirus (COVID-19): infection control and prevention measures available in Simplified Chinese, Farsi, English, French, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.
Practice management
As lockdown restrictions are changed in different countries how they are responding to the gradual opening up of services and new working arrangements may be of interest to others. Please check regularly with national organisations.
The Spanish Association of Physiotherapists’ (AEF) primary care and community healthHealth: 'Health' is defined in the WHO constitution of 1948 as a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. See also Health promotionSee full list of glossary terms subgroup has developed Reordenación de la actividad de fisioterapia en atención primaria, which describes how to re-schedule activities to treat patients at primary care and community level.
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) in the UK has updated its guidance for private practices and independent clinics in response to changing government guidance 13 May 2020.
Continuing professional development
Physiopedia has produced four free courses covering COVID-19, infection prevention and control, the role of physiotherapy and respiratory management of people with COVID-19. Physiopedia free online programme of COVID-19 courses
WHO’s online courses relevant to COVID-19 are available in a range of languages.
FutureLearn has a course on COVID developed by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, a world leader in research and postgraduate education in public and global health. They are offering free access to the course for its duration plus 14 days, regardless of when you join their platform.