Representatives of the following member organisations responded to the survey:
- Asociación Argentina de Kinesiologia/Argentine Kinesiology Association
- Australian Physiotherapy Association
- Physio Austria/Austrian Physiotherapy Association
- Bangladesh Physiotherapy Association
- Bhutan Society of Physiotherapy
- Udruženje/Udruga fizioterapeuta u Bosni i Hercegovini/Association of Physiotherapists in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Асоциация на Физиотерапевтите в България/Bulgarian Association of Physiotherapists
- Canadian Physiotherapy Association
- Colegio de Kinesiólogos de Chile/College of Physiotherapists of Chile
- Comisión Profesional de Fisioterapia del Colegio de Terapeutas/Physical Therapy Commission of the Therapist Guild of Costa Rica
- Παγκύπριος Σύλλογος Φυσιοθεραπευτών/Cyprus Association of Physiotherapists
- Unie fyziotherapeutu Ceské republiky/Union of Physiotherapists of the Czech Republic
- Danske Fysioterapeuter/Association of Danish Physiotherapists
- Asociación Dominicana de Terapeutas Físicos/Dominican Association of Physical Therapists
- Eesti Füsioterapeutide Liit/Estonian Association of Physiotherapists
- Ethiopian Physiotherapists' Association
- Suomen Fysioterapeutit/Finnish Association of Physiotherapists
- Conseil national de l'ordre des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes/French National Council of Physiotherapists
- Société Haïtienne de Physiothérapie/Haitian Physiotherapy Society
- Magyar Gyógytornász-Fizioterapeuták Társasága/Association of Hungarian Physiotherapists
- Félag sjúkraþjálfara/Icelandic Physiotherapy Association
- Indian Association of Physiotherapists
- Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists
- Associazione Italiana di Fisioterapia/Italian Association of Physiotherapy
- 公益社団法人日本理学療法士協会/Japanese Physical Therapy Association
- Korean Physical Therapy Association
- Latvijas Fizioterapeitu Asociācija/Latvian Physiotherapists' Association
- Order of Physiotherapists in Lebanon
- Physiotherapeuten Verband Fürstentum Liechtenstein/Physiotherapists' Association of the Principality of Liechtenstein
- Physiotherapy Association of Malawi
- AMEFI Colegio Nacional de Fisioterapia/Mexican Association of Physiotherapy
- Mongolian Physical Therapy Association
- Komora fizioterapeuta Crne Gore/Chamber of Physiotherapists of Montenegro
- Myanmar Physiotherapy Association
- Nepal Physiotherapy Association
- Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie/Royal Dutch Society for Physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy New Zealand
- Norsk Fysioterapeutforbund/Norwegian Physiotherapist Association
- Palestinian General Syndicate for Physical Therapy
- Papua New Guinea Physiotherapy Association
- Philippine Physical Therapy Association
- Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas/Order of Physiotherapists
- Associación Puertorriqueña de Fisioterapia/Puerto Rican Association of Physiotherapy
- Colegiul Fizioterapeuților din România/Order of Physiotherapists in Romania
- Rwanda Physical Therapy Organisation
- Društvo fizioterapeuta Srbije/Association of Physiotherapists of Serbia
- Sierra Leone Physiotherapy Association
- Slovenská Komora Fyzioterapeutov/Slovak Chamber of Physiotherapists
- Strokovno združenje fizioterapevtov Slovenije/Slovenian Association of Physiotherapists
- South African Society of Physiotherapy
- Asociación Española de Fisioterapeutas/Spanish Association of Physiotherapists
- Surinaamse Vereniging voor Fysiotherapie/Surinamese Association for Physiotherapy
- Fysioterapeuterna/Swedish Association of Physiotherapists
- physioswiss
- 社團法人臺灣物理治療學會/Taiwan Physical Therapy Association
- Physical Therapy Association of Thailand
- Türkiye Fizyoterapistler Derneği/Turkish Physiotherapy Association
- Українська Асоціація фізичної терапії/Ukrainian Association of Physical Therapy
- Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
- American Physical Therapy Association
- Yemeni Physical Therapy Association
- Zambia Society of Physiotherapy